Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Rooting Samsung Galaxy S3

Since my project involves making a phone application, I've begun preparing it for development!
It is a Sprint Samsung Galaxy S3 Android 4.4.2 kitkat smartphone. Benefit of having an Android phone for this is that I can root it.

To be honest, I googled around for information on rooting, and recently learned it within a day or so. It wasn't all that hard in my opinion. And hey, if a simple ol' teenage girl can do it, then so can you! :-)

Disclaimer: I'm a total noobie, and learned this from Google.

What is rooting?
Well, I thought of "tree" when I first heard of this. However, it's far from that.
Rooting is getting command access within the Android phone's system. This control is known as "root access" or "root permissions". I think of it as something similar to getting administrative access on a computer. You're able to have full control of what can be allowed and disallowed on the phone. There's no security wall to stop you, and so this allows you to have a smooth developing environment for phone enhancements and applications.

Common Warnings:
  • Risking warranty of phone plan
  • Damaging your smartphone (making it freeze or unable to use it again)
  • Risk of not receiving firmware updates.
How to Root Galaxy S3?
Rooting is tricky as you do need a specific ROM for the specific phone type and version you have. Thus, my instructions is for the Galaxy S3 on 4.4.2 kitkat. (Note: Thus, if you have version 4.1 or something, you could mess up your phone).

(Main points of instructions rephrased from this guide. Pictures are mine, except for one in step 5)
That's my finger :-)
  • Turn your phone back on in Download Mode
    • Press and hold Volume Down + Home Button + Power Button at the same time.
    • Note: Hold all the buttons until after the vibration occurs. Don't let go when it vibrates or else it'll boot up normally.
  • Launch the Odin .exe file and connect phone to computer. Wait for Odin to detect your phone.
  • ID:COM box should be highlighted with color after phone is detected. Click PDA button and select the CF-Auto-Root tar file. Have only "Auto Reboot" and "F.Reset Time" boxes checked.
  • Click start
  • Let device reboot automatically
    • Mine needed me to reboot manually as Odin said it was successful but wouldn't auto reboot.
If you turn off your phone and turn it back on in download mode, you can see that it's rooted by looking at what it says in the top left corner. It should specifically say the following:
Current Binary: Custom
System Status: Custom
and I think Warranty Bit should be any number except for 0.

Top left text when in download mode
You can also download the free app SU Root Checker to check if your device is rooted or not, which may be easier in some ways.
Screenshot of Root Checker app from phone
Another app you can get is the SuperSU app from ChainFire if it doesn't come on your phone automatically.

Other Helpful links:

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